Being Diagnosed With Ovarian Cancer
Most women feel incredibly shocked and upset when they are told they have ovarian cancer. It is very natural to feel flooded with strong thoughts and emotions at this time.
Most women say they feel frightened, angry, anxious, guilty, confused and upset. “Why me?” is a common thought for many women. Others have a deep sense of loneliness and/or sadness. Your feelings may change from day to day or even hour to hour. You are likely to feel very unsettled and upset until you find a way to process the news. You may also have concerns for those close to you and their response.
It may reassure you to know there is no right or wrong way to feel or respond during this time. But after many years of talking to women with ovarian cancer, and those close to them, we know there are some useful things you can do soon after your diagnosis to help you feel a little less overwhelmed. Some people can feel very alone during this time. The important thing is to know where you can get information and support. By knowing about these things, you and those close to you will be better able to comfort each other during challenging times.